Friday, November 2, 2007

Welcome to our blogolicious blog

We finally succumbed to the blog phenomenon. After four years of being a parent and taking innumerable photos of the kids, I do start to wonder: does anyone actually look forward to seeing more photos in their inbox of our kids? So, rather than inundate you with possibly unwanted spam, we decided to make a family blog where you can choose (or not) to follow the exploits of our three holy terrors as they grow. I'm not the type to write in baby books (I kept up with Colin's for about 4 months. I did buy one for Liam but didn't start it, and Eamon, well.... you know what they say about the third...) I can't seem to scrapbook and I don't do photo albums, so if I want to remember any of the incredible things they do and say, I'd better get started here.

Check in as often as you like, we're both online a lot so we're apt to give updates regularly.

Hopefully you'll enjoy seeing the kids as much as we enjoy having them--probably more so since they're surprisingly photogenic and you don't have to deal with the nose goblins (snot to the uninitiated), whining, vomit, misbehavior, wrestling, and money vacuum that comes with them!


Anonymous said...

I love this! This is a great idea - I might start this for my Thing 1, 2, and 3.

Anonymous said...

...and the banjo plucks again. Your blog idea is fantastic - I look forward to future updates!

meg said...

well you know i love blogs:)

Unknown said...

Very funny... You know I love getting the Arnold family stories in my Inbox. It is better than reading the newspaper...