Colin is FOUR!! He had his preschool-age friends over for a celebration on Monday. What fun! We went full throttle with the dinosaur theme serving things like "Jurassic Juice", "Triceratops Teeth with Swamp Sludge" (Apples with caramel dip) and "Fossilized Footprints with Molten Magma" (Tortilla chips and salsa) and of course the requisite Dino-shaped chicken nuggets. He had a ball and everyone seemed to enjoy the games and treats.

This year he was completely thrilled with people singing happy birthday to him and has been singing to himself ever since! We brought him out to lunch on Sunday for his birthday and he said afterwards: "Mommy, I REALLY liked when they sang to me at the restaurant, that was REALLY nice of them". Surprising to me, because, as the oldest, he generally takes it for granted that the world revolves around him.

Although he liked the IDEA of his new "big boy" red bike, he was really nervous riding it for the first time (it's pretty high off the ground and training wheels are "tippy" according to Liam). He announced after his first ride on the street (where he actually did fairly well) that "I think I'll ride my new bike when I turn FIVE". I'm sure he'll being going down the street like a bat out of hell soon enough (though it did seem AWFULLY high off the ground as if a fall would really HURT... this growing up thing is much harder on the parents than the kids...)

This year he was completely thrilled with people singing happy birthday to him and has been singing to himself ever since! We brought him out to lunch on Sunday for his birthday and he said afterwards: "Mommy, I REALLY liked when they sang to me at the restaurant, that was REALLY nice of them". Surprising to me, because, as the oldest, he generally takes it for granted that the world revolves around him.

Although he liked the IDEA of his new "big boy" red bike, he was really nervous riding it for the first time (it's pretty high off the ground and training wheels are "tippy" according to Liam). He announced after his first ride on the street (where he actually did fairly well) that "I think I'll ride my new bike when I turn FIVE". I'm sure he'll being going down the street like a bat out of hell soon enough (though it did seem AWFULLY high off the ground as if a fall would really HURT... this growing up thing is much harder on the parents than the kids...)
p.s. Isn't that attached water bottle the cutest thing you've ever seen? He must have taken it out a dozen times during our ride TO THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR. He even offered it to Liam which is PROOF of how happy it makes him!
You neglected to mention the velociraptor nests! How could you?!?!
Velociraptors are a menace to all that is pure and good. Veliciraptors would take away kittens and rainbows if they could.
Do you even know if your neighbors are raptors?
HAHHAHA. Its not that high!!
PS- I cannot wait to see the adult version of that amazing cake!
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