Eamon had his 6 months photos done today. Yes, yes, he'll be 8 months in a week or so, but hey, we get behind sometimes around here. He celebrated Thanksgiving this week by being thankful for all of the new foods in his world. This week alone he tried (and LOVED) butternut squash ravioli, turkey and veggies, mashed potato, potato and leek soup, a blueberry cereal bar, whipped cream, and meatballs with sauce (the tomato did give him a rash around his mouth, but considering what his older brothers endured with their food allergies, we think he got away scot free.) He will literally eat ANYTHING put in front of him and since this is our third time around, we're much less strict about things than we were with Colin and Liam. And lucky for us (and him), nothing has really bothered him so far. He can't keep up his nickname "Chunk" by being a picky eater!

Eamon also got his first photo taken with Santa today which he nearly slept through (after a long day of shopping and giggling at all the festivities around him, the jolly ol' guy didn't need to do much to get him to drop off. He fell asleep literally moments after being handed back to me). Colin was happy to be in a few photos with Eamon but balked at being photographed with Old Saint Nick. He did, however, ask him for a Frog Game for Christmas. For the life of me, I haven't a clue what that is so if you run across a frog game with "red and blue and green tree frogs", PLEASE let me know because Santa is desperate to find it before December 25th. Liam was happy to sit and play with Eamon during the photo shoot but got up and ran off as soon as the photographer started to rearrange his limbs. His acting career may be over before it starts--he doesn't take stage direction well (er... at all...) He was gungho to talk to Santa (he wants a "bat from a box with a black thing that goes round and round"-- we're PRETTY sure this is the bat that Colin just got for his birthday from Uncle Mark and Auntie Megan but we wish he'd ask for something we don't already have. He is adamant that that is all he wants though. Of course "Little" refused to get his photo taken with Santa--big shocker. I feel like I should photoshop Liam into the new photos... he really is part of the family... albeit, not stationary enough to have a permanent image of him made...
p.s. Check out Eamon sticking his tongue out at the paparazzi... he's really into giving "raspberries" right now and he spit so much the photographer had to change the background because there was a drool pool under him at one point. So attractive.

I'm commenting too much...but you have the most gorgeous baby, can he give mine some of that hair??? There's a treefrog jacks game that restoration hardware was selling...maybe that's what he's talking about?
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