This year's Easter Egg offerings. We used crayons on eggs still hot from boiling. The crayon melted in fun swirls and loops and the boys really enjoyed it. Since I'm the only one who eats hard-boiled eggs, I have discovered the down-side to using them hot from the stove is that the shells are now nearly impossible to get off. But great crafting fun was had and that's what matters!

Thankfully after a night of rain, the sun came out and the Easter Bunny was able to hide the real eggs outside after all! Sadie was sleeping late so the boys took full advantage and went a-hunting. Liam had the HARDEST TIME finding his last egg which was so much fun because it was the one that was most out in the open in the stroller cup-holder. A full half hour of the "hot and cold" game ensued before he finally found it!

It's nearly impossible to get a photo of all four kids together these days. Sadie is MUCH too busy for that! And it was TRULY impossible to get a photo in before the boys got grass stains, but that is par for the course around here.

Little Miss, so cute and demure in her blue dress with petticoats underneath. Except that demure part is all an act because really she was just angry that she couldn't go off exploring in the woods with her fresh white tights and dress shoes on. Thankfully Easter clothes are only meant to last the day (right?!) and she happily managed to get holes in her tights and scoot around despite those fancy shoes.
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