One of Eamon's favorite gifts. He loves being the doctor on call! Mostly he loves sticking his stethoscope up your shirt, giving you fake shots and testing your reflexes with a hammer!

Eamon's birthday blow-out wish? He wished for more candles to blow out! Who are we to say no to that. Four consecutive candles for our favorite four year old.

Little Mr. Four Year Old!

Liam insisted he wouldn't have fun on the "baby slide" but managed to find something to climb on anyway!

Little Miss Frosting Face

Colin is the perfect present helper. He read all the cards to Eamon and of course helped with the oohing and ahhing over the gifts!

I Spy has become a Family Game Night favorite so we built the party around it. Eamon is a MASTER at finding things!

I spy some sports balls and the number four!

I spy psychedelic frosting colors!

Nothing makes preschoolers happier than sugar topped with toys!
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