Thursday, November 20, 2008

Scholastic Tradition

We got the boys school pictures back today and despite the fact I'm two weeks behind in blogging about everything ELSE around here (namely, Colin's birthday), I just HAD to put these photos up. They both did splendidly (we can't blame their hair for refusing to behave) which earned them an outing with Daddy. I think Colin chose bowling and Liam chose Chuck E Cheese... so we're ALL thrilled with the results.


ELK said...

So gut-wrenchingly adorable!!! Makes me wish I hadn't hid in my office for our school pictures this year, I could have added a Liam smile to the staff directory...

The Mitchells said...

OMG. Could they be any cuter? Colin seriously looks like a 3rd grader in that picture!! Can we make them slow down for a while? This is just flying by too fast for me!