Although turning five was unbelievably exciting for Colin, and somewhat sobering for the rest of us (Five. Five???? I can no longer live in denial. Four still somehow seems like a "preschooler", a "little kid", "my baby". But five??? Five is real, solid, genuine, hardcore KID material. Colin goes to kindergarten next year. It might as well be college. But I digress...) Anyway, it may have been exciting, but it sure didn't produce any nice photos. Here are the paltry few that I eeked out during his two birthday parties. Yes, two. I will say, though, that when we made our "Thankful Turkeys" tonight, one of the things Colin said he was thankful for was his "Superhero Birthday Party". So it might not have been photographically preserved for posterity, but it was memorable for him!

Colin showing us his lung capacity at his Preschool Friend party.

The gaggle of admirers from his class at school who came, ate, trampled and made merry.

Colin's Family Party. Yes, I know, for the first time, I did not go hog wild making his cake. I bought it from a grocery store. The horror! But I did buy all THREE superhero kits to go on top, not just ONE. :)

And I did make a tower of Superman confections. Though truth be told, I bought most of the decorations. Maybe I have finally exorcised my Martha Steward demon... or most likely, I was just overtaxed this month and ran out of time!

The birthday boy hoisting his favorite gift: Rhino Rampage. It's also my favorite gift: no batteries required!!
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