I spent the week finding boredom busters to combat the rain. One day was spent at the
Ecotarium which was fun because they have a weather exhibit right now hosted by the
Zula Patrol. It's a PBS kids show about space which Colin just discovered and loves. (Anything space, planets, cosmos, etc is big these days). We also happened to show up, unexpectedly, just in time for preschool craft and storytime.

Eamon tried his hand at the mouse craft while I drank copious amounts of free coffee. That's mommy's criteria for a good craft hour!

Good pupils that they are, the boys sat right in front at storytime and answered ALL the questions. In fact, Liam had to be ushered out finally because he asked the staff 1982121 questions about the "animal of the day" (a chinchilla) until he finally ran over into the next story hour! Is this kid ready for school or what?!?

Demon and his magnets.

"Trust the Gorton's Fisherman..."

Captain Liam mans the helm.

The Zula Patrol are aliens that save the solar system. The boys fit right in!

And see what it's like to control the wind!

Who ISN'T thrilled by dry ice clouds?? Colin has been super into clouds and rain lately and begs for kitchen sponges to use as clouds in the bathtub.

Liam fooling around in the giftshop. As cute a polar bear as he is, I always find masks a little creepy.

Super huge baby sees how he measures up to a polar print.

Master of the Universe plays with the fates of the planets.

"Hey, they don't make these microscopes at my height so I HAD to climb up to see it!"
space education - now that's what I like to see. They can come do their work experience with me when they are older!
i am going to ask liam all about chincillas now:)
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