We had a fairly quiet week around here. After hurting my back last Friday, I spent 3 days laying on the couch, unable to move, walk or cater to boy-os. (Kind of like a vacation though, really. Minus the pain). I have since spent the last 7 days trying to recover from the inevitable disaster that overtakes the house when Mom is not "on duty". The boys helped... to one degree or another.

Eamon proudly showing off his new Red Sox hat that Daddy bought him. The men of the house had a lovely day out while I languished on the couch drooling from the pain meds and watching TV. Eamon was obviously telling me to take him swimming as he carried around his swim diapers for an entire day...

He gets in on the cleaning action. He doesn't do a great job, but it is easier to let him try than to pry the vac out of his screaming arms so that I can do it myself. He's also super into cleaning anything with rags--except himself.

And what else epitomizes summer than corn on the cob? We have three little cobbers and they will do ANYTHING for their corn on the cob!

Auntie Kelly cleaned out her house this week too.... and brought all KINDS of stuff over to us. Which the boys love. Now I just need a bigger house for it all. Liam LOVES dressing up his Build-a-bear frog. But, unlike Colin who loves to match, Liam is all about "mix and match" as he says. Here's his roller skating fireman football player. A perfect outfit in his eyes.

All hands on deck! We decided to make fresh bread this week and Eamon mastered climbing up on the kitchen chairs for the first time to help. He HATES being left out of the big boy fun, but he threatens to fall off constantly (and has done it a few times just to scare me) but they all enjoyed kneading.
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