I can't believe after all the years of living here with kids that I had no idea Look Park existed. We had a brilliant day with friends and can't wait to go back.
Echo is not only amazingly cute in her own right, but is a constant incredible reminder of what a difference a year makes. Here she is wearing a cute little gingham number I remember another small girl wearing this time last year. Sadie looks like a giant in comparison. 12 months sure do go by quickly.

It's always so amusing to me how our boys can see Luke twice a year and it's as if they are long lost best friends who meld into one crazy boy group instantly each time we see him.

Doing something naughty at the water park, it seems, from that smirk!

Echo and her Mama.

Single-handedly trying to drink all the park water?

Exquisite joy.

Echo and her Daddy.

Wild and free and it doesn't hurt to be soaking wet too.

Picture perfect fairyland.

"Swing" and "Higher" were the new words that week!

Great feats of strength carried out by the river.

This is the Summer of Water for Eamon. Finally enjoying it in all its forms.

Practicing in case he wants to be a fireman someday.

"I can do anything the boys can do!"

When the tongue comes out, you know he's concentrating super-hard.

When his tongue comes out, he's just being silly!

Daring each other to see who can get the closest to falling in, I'm sure.
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