Although the grown ups usually care more about the multitude of food at Christmas Eve, make no mistake, the kids are there solely for the multitude of cousins (and throwing Santa in to boot doesn't hurt either). My favorite part of Christmas Eve is when Santa pulls out his Black Book of Naughties and expounds on one thing each kid did during the year that they better work on if they want to stay on the NICE LIST! Liam looked sheepish as usual when Santa told him he needs to smile more for photos in 2011. Liam seems to have learned his lesson already because we got a grin out of him! Colin was nervous and hoping that a giggle would make up for the fact that Santa knew JUST how much he beats on his brother Liam all year. Let's hope the Big Red Guy makes an impression on him as well. Eamon got a lesson in the proper use of scissors (as in NOT on your brother's sweater or cutting off the top of your sister's sippy cup). And Little Miss Sadie got called out on her rascally ability to scamper up the stairs ALONE at every opportunity. She, of course, didn't listen to a lick of it. She also wasn't so thrilled with Santa touching her, although once he showed her a gift, she was much happier to stay put!

Emme and Finn look like they NEVER could do any wrong so Santa must not have had much to say about their escapades this past year! Unfortunately, I missed Harry's encounter with Santa because I had to go chase Sadie off the stairs for the billionth time. We've taken to calling her "Naughty Diva" because she is constantly scuttling around, looking over her shoulder to make sure you are watching and then cackling as she takes off for anything she is not supposed to have. LIKE THE STAIRS.

Somehow, the big kids don't look as thrilled to be sitting on Santa's knee as the little ones. Ryan looks like he's sizing Big Red up to see if he can take him (my bets are on Ryan) and Erin looks like she is already ignoring any advice to be good in 2011!

I've never seen a little kid LOVE Santa the way Jake did this year. He was just thrilled with everything Santa! And Colin was thrilled to take a pic of their cute little mugs together!
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