This year, the boys were absolutely determined to catch the Leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day. Last year we managed to get a bit of the little man's green vest, but this year, the boys pulled out all the stops and went for broke. We decided to use an old birdcage we had in the house. Of course, there's no way to catch a leprechaun without a rainbow and some gold under it! So we set to work with that, some green Easter grass that Liam found hidden away in a closet and some heavy duty velcro that Colin thought would super-duper-double-latch the door shut and keep the guy inside for sure. We attached some super secret spy invisible string to one gold chocolate coin and fastened it to the door. Wouldn't you know it, that clever little leprechaun sprung our trap, crashed the whole roof in and escaped with a wee bit of our gold! He did get his shoe stuck in his hasty exit and left some footprints behind in his rush to break free from the Arnold boys' awesome trap. Next year we'll catch him for sure (or, according to the boys, he'll soon be naked what with all the clothes he leaves behind and all.)

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