Uncle Mark and Auntie Megan were generous enough to invite us down to the Cape for a few days which we were thrilled to take them up on. (Who, in their right minds, invites a family of three crazy boys to their rental house? Well, I never said they were in their right minds, but they were very kind to ask and we really appreciate it, thanks again, guys!) I forgot to take pictures for almost the entire time, but we had a lot of fun and despite the boys' early rising, we got some welcome relaxation in too. Mostly, the boys loved the beach, especially early in the morning when we were the only ones there and they could collect shells and rocks to their hearts content. They also enjoyed their first-ever game of Adventure Golf (who can resist Pirate Coves and Treasure Chests and large, metal clubs with which to beat your brothers?) and a lot of dinners out in restaurants. We spent a rainy day in Hyannis where we discovered over lunch that Eamon prefers broccoli to pizza and where Colin and Liam decided that reading maps was one of the best activities ever! Two cartographers in the making, I guess. Lots of ice cream and sand in every crevice finished off our trip and the boys were thrilled to get some time in with Baby Jake. Scratch that.... Colin and Liam were thrilled. Eamon shrieked with indignation every single time Chris or I touched Baby Jake and reminded us in no uncertain terms that HE is our baby and that's that! He is still being a Mama's Boy since our return which is driving me nuts but I'm trying to enjoy all the extra cuddling while it lasts (since he's attached to me at all times now, I really have no choice).

Three boys-os loving the beach. They really have NO fear of the water these days and even Eamon charged right into the surf over and over again.
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