Happy Birthday to Liam James!! Today is the big day, but I feel like we've been celebrating for a month (probably because we have!) Between his combined family party with Eamon to his "Friend Party" on Tuesday to a visit to the zoo today (pictures of that coming soon), it's been quite the Month of Fun for Blee-boy. He had a Train Theme this year and here are my Little Engineers outside in the sandbox digging up a mess.

Liam getting ready to blow out the Big Three candles on his Train Cake.

He'll hate me for this someday but it's just SO Liam right now. He had to take a break from opening presents for some nose-picking action. He's constantly excavating his nose and loves to tell me that "Nose Goblins aren't yucky for me! They're yummy for me, haha!" We try to ignore his antics and are hoping peer pressure puts an end to this habit when he starts preschool next year.

Everyone was so exhausted the day after The Party that the boys hung around in their skivvies all day and lounged. Here's Colin pretend napping (they made a big huge deal of bringing all their blankets down to make forts with the couch cushions and thought that a fake nap would be fun. Oh, but couldn't it have been REAL?) What you don't see is that Liam is naked from the waist down, as he usually is these days. He's 100% potty trained. Uh... scratch that. As long as he's naked or going commando, he's potty-trained. Anytime he wears underpants of any variety or leaves the house, he forgets about the potty altogether-- but at home he's doing great!

How many crazy boys does it take to break a crib? Fortunately, more than three because it's still standing! (Even after 41 years since this bed started out as Unkey Monkeys as Liam likes to call his Uncle Michael)

More signs of life in our yard.

For a couple weeks, Liam has been asking me constantly: "Mama, what HAPPENED to the trees??!" That would be the buds are finally out on them, that's what! These buds came courtesy of our weeping cherry tree.

My birthday was the week before Liam's and I treated myself to my first 5K run. Boy, was it nice to see my boys waiting for me at the finish line (boy, was it great to see the finish line at all!)

The festivities after the race included a kids' band who brought balloons and maracas. Here's Fire Chief Colin in his rain boots shaking his booty. The boys have been obsessed with super heroes this week, mostly because of some great gifts Liam got at his party. Colin, ever the smarty-pants thoughtfully asked: "Mom, why does
Spiderman make the
sign for "I love you" when he slings out webs?" These are the questions no baby book prepares you for...

Eamon is very close to walking on his own, but still panics when he realizes he's not holding onto anything. He has mastered standing alone while holding about a billion things in his hands, but is still leery of taking too many steps. He can run around like a maniac with some help though and his favorite is using the stroller, as above, as his walker. He also loves to clap, say "Bye-bye, Dada!" when Chris leaves for work, kiss on demand and when asked to say "Mama", he shakes his head "No" vehemently and then laughs maniacally. He's certainly letting his personality shine through these days. Luckily he's all sweet (mostly).
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