Wilt Chamberlain may have enjoyed the "company" of 20,000 ladies over the course of his life but I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that he never woke up next to a pile of goldfish crackers in his bed.
'nuff said.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Swingset - Day 1
Well, it was probably only a matter of time until I gave in. Carrie, having spent this many years with me probably planned this from the get-go. Whatever the case, we purchased an obscenely large and ostentatious swingset for the boys. My hesitations were more than likely aimed at the fact that things like this didn't exist when I was kid, outside of large, publicly funded schoolyards.
First off, if you haven't guessed yet, it's freakin' HUGE. With a capital HUGE. We purchased the Windsor model from the Create-N-Adventure line by Backyard Leisure. I won't be too surprised if this mammoth is considered rental property and is taxed by the town next year:

The product quality is very good, the instructions are extremely accurate and useful and apparently, judging from the picture, we get socio-economic and cultural diversity automatically included with the purchase price. If only someone could convince Republican administrations that nation-building were this simple and immediate...uh...er...wait a second...uh...never mind....
So I mentioned the instruction manual...it's 60+ pages long. I feel that I should use it to shingle the roof of the new structure as so many trees went into its creation. It took me three hours last weekend just to inventory and lay-out the parts for the "construction weekend" so I wouldn't be a total mess, looking for part # 90wc5-lc-ss6.1f (that just so happens to look exactly the same as part # 90wc5-lc-ss6.1e) and thinking that 0900 was a perfectly acceptable time to have a beer or six.
Whatever the case, planning actually paid off and the first day of construction went well. The day was mostly spent assembling the "appendages" to the forbidden city in our back yard...the ladders, slide, climbing wall, etc. Here's the fun pix of the first day:
You can take the monkey out of the jungle and you can take a person out of a bar but you can't take Colin away off of the monkey bars.
OK, this is the point where it starts getting a bit tough for an individual to do it all. Need additional bodies for Day 2.
Heh. It's getting large and it's not even close to complete. This is the completed extension for the swings.
First off, if you haven't guessed yet, it's freakin' HUGE. With a capital HUGE. We purchased the Windsor model from the Create-N-Adventure line by Backyard Leisure. I won't be too surprised if this mammoth is considered rental property and is taxed by the town next year:
The product quality is very good, the instructions are extremely accurate and useful and apparently, judging from the picture, we get socio-economic and cultural diversity automatically included with the purchase price. If only someone could convince Republican administrations that nation-building were this simple and immediate...uh...er...wait a second...uh...never mind....
So I mentioned the instruction manual...it's 60+ pages long. I feel that I should use it to shingle the roof of the new structure as so many trees went into its creation. It took me three hours last weekend just to inventory and lay-out the parts for the "construction weekend" so I wouldn't be a total mess, looking for part # 90wc5-lc-ss6.1f (that just so happens to look exactly the same as part # 90wc5-lc-ss6.1e) and thinking that 0900 was a perfectly acceptable time to have a beer or six.
Whatever the case, planning actually paid off and the first day of construction went well. The day was mostly spent assembling the "appendages" to the forbidden city in our back yard...the ladders, slide, climbing wall, etc. Here's the fun pix of the first day:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Zoo Full of Animals

Eamon looks like he's ready to be a float in the Rose Parade.
(Note: he is missing one shoe per usual)

Any excuse to get wet or dirty is always welcome. As an aside, Colin has had an imaginary friend named Bananahead for quite a while now. I hadn't heard about him in while so I asked how he was this week. "He's dead", Colin exclaimed. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, since his birthday was EVERY DAY, he got to be one hundred and twenty four and then he died." Makes sense, I guess and he doesn't seem too broken up about it!

We had to work to get a good photo of the kangaroo but Colin was happy to regale me with all his knowledge of joeys and pouches.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
5K and 3T

Friday, May 2, 2008
The World According to Blee
All of the photos this week come courtesy of Liam's camera. He's been getting pretty into it lately. There were literally hundreds of photos in the last couple days, most of which are of various walls but there was an entire study of the backseat of the car from every which angle as well. After a week of wonderful weather where we played outdoors constantly, this dreary week of cold and rain came as a big shock to our system. Liam had been hyperfocused on sporting events recently... a birthday full of bikes and basketball hoops will do that to a fellow. He's actually a really agile little athlete with a good throwing arm and pretty decent aim for a tot his size. He LOVES playing "batter batter baseball" and using his "baseball glub (glove)" most of all.

A shot of "Big" using his "look and listen scope" to eek out which of the many flavors of ice cream he was going to choose. In the end, they ALWAYS get vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, but the thought process behind that choice is AGONIZING (mostly for Mommy).
Our local ice cream place just opened up for summer and the boys wanted their mug taken with EIEIO, the resident oil-tank-turned-gigantic-working-piggy-bank. I'd like to get my hands on the proceeds from that little porker myself.
Eamon on his first solo ride down the slide.
"Big" and "Tiny" going tandem.
Eamon just cackles and cackles on the swing, the higher the better!

Liam finally gets in front of lens on a fast ride down the "tall slide" (they have names for all the slides on the local playground. "Tall", "Curly", "Tuby", "Racing", etc...)
Captain Colin, the climbing master. His First Matey Liam is actually afraid of this "pirate ladder" so he photographed instead.
Erin spent the weekend with us and Liam snapped her from his vantage point in his car seat. Now they ask everyday when Erin is coming back, but alas, there's another month until school is out for summer and their cousins can spoil the boys on any day of the week.
Looking down at his Froggy Feet.
Whenever Liam gets sleepy in the car, I ask him if he's getting "dreamy". He will never admit to sleepiness and always tells me he's "counting the trees from his window". According to this photo, maybe he really is!
Little piggy toes.
This was one of the very first photos Liam took with his camera. Of course, the subject matter contains his two favorite things: "tivvee" and "Land Before Time".
Still Life with Laundry.
It never ceases to amaze me what the boys think is photo-worthy. Here's some towels in the laundry bag waiting to be put away. There's a future yet as a set-designer for some homey magazine... if BatterBatterBaseball doesn't pan out, that is.

A shot of "Big" using his "look and listen scope" to eek out which of the many flavors of ice cream he was going to choose. In the end, they ALWAYS get vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, but the thought process behind that choice is AGONIZING (mostly for Mommy).

Liam finally gets in front of lens on a fast ride down the "tall slide" (they have names for all the slides on the local playground. "Tall", "Curly", "Tuby", "Racing", etc...)

Little piggy toes.

It never ceases to amaze me what the boys think is photo-worthy. Here's some towels in the laundry bag waiting to be put away. There's a future yet as a set-designer for some homey magazine... if BatterBatterBaseball doesn't pan out, that is.
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