The kids favorite place to hang out when we are at loose ends is the tennis courts. We use it for biking, kite-flying, skateboarding, and sometimes even tennis!
oColin wanted to try out his new skateboard, but he was pretty cautious about it so moved back to his bike after only a few minutes. Liam took that as some kind of challenge and hopped on himself and was up and running on it shortly thereafter.

When you run out of sports to play, you can just climb the fence!

Add rock-climbing to our tennis court adventures.

The humidity made Miss Curly-cue even curlier.

Finally, some tennis on the tennis courts!

But the bikes are really the old stand-by.

It is MUCH nicer to play tennis (when you can only find five balls) when you have a miniature ball-boy on a bike chasing them around and returning them to you!