A little, okay a lot, belated on Sadie's actual birthday. You know what they say about the fourth... I'm pretty sure I'm the only kid who never got a photo album at all so I think she's doing pretty well for herself.
Still no steps by her birthday, but she was becoming ever more sturdy standing up on her own. And managing to clap for herself at the same time! She dug into her birthday cake with zeal: gingerbread with cinnamon whipped cream. She gobbled it all up and made a happy mess. She got a few more presents, but none so exciting as the remote control she commandeered at home and was THRILLED about!

The rest of Sadie's birthday, we spent at a Thanksgiving Festival at Red Apple Farm (not that she cared, it was freezing out and her main job was to sit in the stroller and look cute all bundled up.) The boys had a fun time though, particularly Liam whose main goal in life is to be a hillbilly. He spent a long time ogling the old guns and tools (and handcuffs) and tents some reenactors had set up. He also bought a Moose tooth which is still his most treasured possession. Colin, of course, climbed the first tree he could find and tried his hand at making apple cider. We took a very chilly and bumpy hayride and ended the day with some yummy homemade goodies and beer. As usual, Sadie was at the whim of her brothers, but she enjoyed her big day nonetheless!