Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not Quite Three Wolves...

But rhino and alligator tee shirts are still pretty bad-ass.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Little Trooper

One of the reasons we've been so far behind here on the blog is our little guy Eamon was diagnosed with Type I diabetes about a month ago. After four full days in the hospital and a whole lot more time adjusting to our "new normal" as they kept calling it, we're finally starting to get back in the swing of things around here. He's been doing really well and is the shining star of his Pediatric Diabetes Center. We are known there solely as "Eamon's parents" because he out-shines us with his crazy little personality. He is such a cute little guy and has never complained once about all the needle sticks or injections he gets on a daily basis. In fact, he has already mastered putting the gluose strip in his monitor and takes great pride in being the one to choose which finger gets stuck 8ish times a day. Even his insulin injections are no big deal for him... he often says "Oww..." in this cute little voice, but only when he sees us coming with the needle! He doesn't flinch at all for his shots and we just can't say enough about what a great kid he is and how happy-go-lucky he has remained through all of this. We just love to watch him storm around the yard with his brothers playing Light Saber (we caved and bought them all "Light Savers" as they call them since all three of the boys have just been so unbelievably great about the turmoil that's gone on here). He still plays with all of his heart and soul and we love to watch him act like a "normal" two year old.

Here's a photo of him in the hospital. Despite how pathetic it is, he did look awfully cute in his little johnny. It was certainly helped along by his fancy red shoes that he found in the playroom there. Everyone in the pediatric unit was so good to us and they all, of course, fell in love with the little guy. He was quite famous by the end for driving his red car like a bat out of hell up and down the halls at all hours of the day and night! We're just happy he is doing so well and couldn't ask for him to be dealing any better with it all.

If I just click my heels together three times, I can go home....
(And it worked, we were released that very afternoon!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Return of Leah

His cousins never tire of dressing him up. And Liam never tires of playing along. He is quite a sweet little girl. Funny for the guy who is the most rough and tumble and physically dominant of all of our boys. He'll be Linebacker Leah someday.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


These photos are just a smattering of those we took on an outing last month with the boys' friends Chad and Olivia. We spent the day at an indoor play area with something for everyone.... though of course none of them could be convinced to stay in the same room as their brothers for very long. (If you click on the collage, you can see the photos in all of their gigantic glory)

From top to bottom:
Colin found paydirt in the mother of all Lego rooms; Eamon spent most of the day in this car; Engineer Liam finds an escape hatch from his train; Liam fishing "just like Grampy"; Colin and Chad blast off for space; Liam shows us some serious twinkle-toes; four boys and four million balls; Eamon rock-n-rolls; Liam loved the ball tubes; Eamon climbing a slide; this is not the first time we've caught Eamon stashing bills; the big boys play hoops; bouncing baby boy; two teeter-totters; so much fun!; Cowboy Eamon gets serious for his showdown at the OK Corral.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Easter Revisited

Eamon was very into coloring Easter eggs this year and only cracked one which is a record for us!

Liam picked out glitter eggs (not surprising!) for our decorating scheme. This is by far the best their eggs have ever turned out. They all did a great job!

And the Easter Bunny rewarded them with treats galore!
They were amazed that he knew they'd just seen Monsters vs. Aliens the day before. Who knew the Easter Bunny was a movie buff?

It was very, very, very cold out for the Easter egg hunt. Poor little Liam was shivering!

It didn't stop him from finding some loot though!

Eamon had a ball and collected all of his "E" eggs with very little help from his brothers.

And, of course, Colin was a pro this year and eeked out all the hard-to-find eggs.

Some delectable Easter treats. No holiday would be complete without colored frosting in our house!

The best I could manage of the three boys together. They were much more interested in going to Grammy and Grampy's to see their cousins for the rest of the day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Playing catch-up

I am hopelessly behind, not only here on the blog, but in our life in general right now. We've had a LOT going on here in the past month or two and I'll try my best to get the world at large caught up on our little slice of crazy.

We built a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick's Day and we ALMOST caught that tricky little guy. His vest got caught in the trap door on top, but alas, he escaped. Next year we'll get him!
We spent the day at the St. Paddy's Day parade with Meghan, Matt and Erica and had a grand time. What day would be complete without a wrestling match though?

Christopher and Liam loved the Shriners the best. All those crazy little cars and motorcycles.

Little Irish Boy in a tree looking oh so handsome decked out in green.

In slow moments of the parade, you could always find the boys up a tree!

Little leprechaun collecting hats.

Cool stolen shades, dude.

Colin had a great time and was extremely well behaved the whole day!

Big thanks to Meghan and Matt for inviting us and for the fabulous homemade pizza afterwards. I'm no fan of corned beef or cabbage so pizza was perfect!