I am hopelessly behind, not only here on the blog, but in our life in general right now. We've had a LOT going on here in the past month or two and I'll try my best to get the world at large caught up on our little slice of crazy.

We built a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick's Day and we ALMOST caught that tricky little guy. His vest got caught in the trap door on top, but alas, he escaped. Next year we'll get him!

We spent the day at the St. Paddy's Day parade with Meghan, Matt and Erica and had a grand time. What day would be complete without a wrestling match though?

Christopher and Liam loved the Shriners the best. All those crazy little cars and motorcycles.

Little Irish Boy in a tree looking oh so handsome decked out in green.

In slow moments of the parade, you could always find the boys up a tree!

Little leprechaun collecting hats.

Cool stolen shades, dude.

Colin had a great time and was extremely well behaved the whole day!

Big thanks to Meghan and Matt for inviting us and for the fabulous homemade pizza afterwards. I'm no fan of corned beef or cabbage so pizza was perfect!