Age: Almost 4
Nickname: "Big", "Boy-boy"
Likes: dinosaurs, candy, books, pepperoni, peas, spelling new words, bugs, Mommy's anatomy text, talking back
Dislikes: pizza, imperfection, sharing anything with Liam
Life goals: learning how to read, drinking coffee like Daddy
Age: 2 1/2
Nickname: "Blee", "Bleesom", "Blee-boy"
Likes: "Hot dog", stealing Mommy's coffee, pizza, jumping from dangerous heights, yelling "No" at authority figures
Dislikes: Vegetables, broken cereal bars, time outs, receiving help with anything
Life goals: world domination
Age: 2 1/2
Nickname: "Blee", "Bleesom", "Blee-boy"
Likes: "Hot dog", stealing Mommy's coffee, pizza, jumping from dangerous heights, yelling "No" at authority figures
Dislikes: Vegetables, broken cereal bars, time outs, receiving help with anything
Life goals: world domination
Age: 7 months
Nickname: "Puff-puff", "Puffy", "Chunk"
Likes: cheerios, toast, smiling, belly laughs, gazing adoringly at Colin
Dislikes: waiting for cheerios, waiting for toast, hunger of any kind, being trapped in a stationary carseat
Life goals: Staying Mommy's baby forever (ok, so that's Mommy's goal, so what?)
Age: 7 months
Nickname: "Puff-puff", "Puffy", "Chunk"
Likes: cheerios, toast, smiling, belly laughs, gazing adoringly at Colin
Dislikes: waiting for cheerios, waiting for toast, hunger of any kind, being trapped in a stationary carseat
Life goals: Staying Mommy's baby forever (ok, so that's Mommy's goal, so what?)